An Update? Whoa.

I see I haven’t made any sort of update to the blog in nearly three months. For the four or five loyal readers out there, here’s why: I got a job, worked my ass off for almost two months, then was mysteriously and unceremoniously dismissed. Why, you ask? Hell, I’m still trying to figure it out. The bosses claimed I made too many mistakes on the job…but they never bothered to inform me of any of the “mistakes” that I was making, which is what they were supposed to do as I went through the training process. It doesn’t take a molecular physicist to know that there was something else going on between the lines.

I plan on writing again…I just don’t know when. It’s hard to stay motivated for your craft when no one really bothers reading any of it and you can’t get even a job at the local dollar store.

One Response to “An Update? Whoa.”

  1. Peter harrison Says:

    C’mon, dude, write. Use it to lambaste suck ass dickheads that know nothing about being decent human beings let alone bosses. I’ve found that even if only a few read my stories its the writing that matters. Its my outlet. My vice. So get to writing and scare the hell outta those of us that wanna read your stories. maybe others will read ’em too. But if not, let ’em bugger off. Don’t do it for others, do it for yourself.

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